The Harlem Jazz Scene – a retrospective on the day after St. Nick’s Pub fire
We woke up to the devastating news of a deadly fire last night in Harlem on the set of a Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Willem Dafoe, Leslie Mann movie called Motherless Brooklyn. With that kind of star power glaring their vision, what reporters so far have overlooked is that the charred set of…
March 23, 2018
Cheap NYC Jazz Clubs
New York City: Affordable Live Jazz Clubs In Manhattan (Where you can hear the greats from Greenwich Village to Harlem) By Gordon Polatnick I started Big Apple Jazz Tours with the understanding that jazz is at its best when musicians and audiences are sharing an intimate, interactive experience that feels like it could go on forever, and that…
June 22, 2017
Harlem’s Tree of Hope
A vintage photo of a group of people walking down the Blvd of Dreams in front of the Lafayette by the Tree of Hope Hi, folks, this is Gordon Polatnick, of Big Apple Jazz Tours. There are a few things that I’m inexplicably geeky about that I want to explore in this blog. Most are…
June 13, 2017
Big Apple Jazz Blog is on it’s way.
How do you like the new site? Big Apple Jazz Tours is proud to announce we are celebrating our 20th year in business with a website face lift. We want to thank David and Kristin and the team at Fare Harbor for the excellent work and invaluable help getting the site up and running. The…
May 10, 2017